Visit http://atxstartupweek.com/ for more info! 

Austin Startup Week is free and open, but please *REGISTER HERE* to attend. Already registered? Log in here. Create a profile, RSVP to the events you are planning to attend and start building your schedule. 

Make sure to "Add to Sched" and check any additional instructions for the events you are planning to attend. Please ONLY RSVP to events you’ll definitely be able to join. 
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Branch Metrics
Android Developer / Evangelist
Palo Alto, California
Hi, I'm Evan. I've been coding since I was 12, & specializing in Android apps since 2010. Talk to me about Branch's open source & free deep linking SDK for android & iOS - pass data through install to give your first time users a custom experience (www.branch.io). Or any other subject.